A new project in mind
In the past year or so I’ve been trying to find something new to focus my photography on. While I have a few ongoing themes like’ Primary Colours’ and ‘Spaces of Interest’, I feel like these are too broad and I wanted to work on something that was a bit more personal to me. The last project that I approached with any sort of seriousness was ‘Industrial Landscapes’ which involved looking for beauty in manmade structures and equipment. I really enjoyed making the photos for this body of work and the zine was a fun, if slightly stressful experience. Despite enjoying the process, I didn’t feel like the work had any real connection to me as a person, other than being a reflection of a style of photography I gravitate towards. Inspiration can come from unexpected places and it came after looking over a couple of photos that I made on a bike ride with some friends in Suffolk. Amongst the usual riding photos were two that really stood out to me and needless to say, got the creative juices flowing.
I’m hoping to build on these images and create a body of work which is different from how I’ve seen others portray the Norfolk and Suffolk coast. Rather than focus on the areas that are past their hay day, I want to re explore places I visited as a child growing up and see how my perspective has changed.
I remember making frequent trips with family to places such as Southwold, Cromer and Blakeney and whilst great times were had I am sure, I do not recall venturing beyond the main high streets or more touristy spots. I hope that during this next project I’ll be able to explore the lesser seen areas of these familiar towns and gain a new appreciation for them in the process.